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Showing posts sorted by date for query t m logan. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Books I Want To Read In 2022

At the beginning of 2021 I made a list of the books I wanted to read throughout the year and I found it really helpful having a list to guide me. It helped me avoid becoming overwhelmed by choice and helped me to read 14 out of the 17 books on the list. Throughout the year I've been taking note of any books that have piqued my interest and have therefore created a list of books I want to read this year.

Books I Read In 2021

Image of lots of books laid out in a row with a translucent title reading 'Books I Read In 2021,'

At the beginning of 2021 I had rekindled my love of reading and through my love of Bookstagram my TBR (to be read) list had grown exponentially, I keep a list on my phone notes of all the books I like the sound of and keep an eye out for them at the local library and via the library's ebook lending service. I also like to save up any vouchers I get from my side hustles to use towards buying books. In order to keep some kind of order and to avoid being overwhelmed with choice I wrote down a list of Books I Wanted To Read In 2021 to help keep me focused and I think it worked rather well, so well in fact I've written a list of Books I Want To Read In 2022. Here's the books (and links to my reviews) for the books I read throughout 2021.

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

Image of the front cover of the kindle ebook version of The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley. The cover shows the book title and the author's name alongside the silhouette of a stag's head. To the left is a title that reads 'Review The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley'

The Hunting Party is set in the Scottish wilderness. A group of thirty somethings have booked the entire lodge for their annual New Year's Eve getaway. There's the 'perfect couple' with their new baby, the 'university sweethearts' that have been together since forever and the 'new couple' that are eager to please. Then there's the eternally single one. Factor in a perky hostess and a surly groundskeeper an you've got everything you need for a classic 'whodunnit'

29 Seconds by T M Logan

Image of the front cover of T M Logan's novel 29 Seconds. The image is of a silhouette of a person stood in the background with the books title in large print and the tagline 'how much can you lose in 29 seconds' written beneath it. There is also an emblem indicating that this book is from the same writer that wrote Lies. To the right is a title that reads 'Review, 29 seconds by T M Logan,'

Regular readers of the blog will know that I love T M Logan novels. I've read The Holiday, Lies, The Catch and now 29 seconds. This book is the second book that T M Logan wrote but each book is standalone and unrelated to the others so the order in which you read them doesn't really matter though a word of warning- don't read this one first. If I'd have read this one first I would have been significantly less likely to read any of the others. It pains me to say this but this is the one and only T. M Logan book that I've not enjoyed- so much so I almost gave up reading it!


Image title reads 'books we've been reading' #bwbr and is overlaid over a faded image of a colourful book case.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. It's something I've always enjoyed and I think it's so important that we grow and nurture a love of reading for future generations. We are really missing our trips to the library but thankfully we have a rather hefty children's book collection and I've been making the most of our libraries online ebook loan service to keep my kindle well stocked with reading material. Here's what we've been reading this month....

Review | The Catch by T. M Logan

image title reads review the catch by t m logan the image to the right shows the front cover of the ebook kindle edition

T. M Logan has quickly become one of my favourite authors. I came across his work by chance in the first lockdown. The library ebook lending service had barely anything available except The Holiday. I judged a book by it's cover and thought it perhaps looked a little cheesy but I couldn't have been more wrong. This is my third T. M Logan book and every one has kept me up later than I wanted reading 'just one more chapter'. Here's what I thought about The Catch.

Books I Read In 2020

Image of the front cover of The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather MorrisKindle Paperwhite Edition. The front cover has a striped background representative of the uniform worn in concentration camps and the book title written in bold across the stripes. To the right is a title that reads 'Books, what i read in 2020,'

Reading has always been a passion of mine. Since a very young age I was reading independently and disappearing into worlds of fantasy and wonder. Books were an escape from my sometimes scary, often confusing reality. As I got older I began to read less, not because I didn't want to, it was more that as I got older, life got fuller and things such as 'self care' and reading for pleasure took a back seat. One positive of the Coronavirus pandemic is that it allowed me to prioritise myself a little bit more and perhaps I needed to escape reality again. I've spent the last six months reading a few chapters before going to sleep and it has been so beneficial. When I read I sleep better, feel more relaxed and have something to get excited about. Nothing beats going to bed on 'new book day'. The joy of perusing my virtual collection and choosing a new adventure is so exciting. My enthusiasm also leads me to talk more. Seems silly but I find talking about books to be therapeutic. If i'm struggling with my mood you can ask me what i'm reading and i'll instantly come alive. It's been a real pleasure rediscovering my love of reading and I wanted to share with you the books I've discovered throughout 2020.

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