Books I Read In 2021

Image of lots of books laid out in a row with a translucent title reading 'Books I Read In 2021,'

At the beginning of 2021 I had rekindled my love of reading and through my love of Bookstagram my TBR (to be read) list had grown exponentially, I keep a list on my phone notes of all the books I like the sound of and keep an eye out for them at the local library and via the library's ebook lending service. I also like to save up any vouchers I get from my side hustles to use towards buying books. In order to keep some kind of order and to avoid being overwhelmed with choice I wrote down a list of Books I Wanted To Read In 2021 to help keep me focused and I think it worked rather well, so well in fact I've written a list of Books I Want To Read In 2022. Here's the books (and links to my reviews) for the books I read throughout 2021.

The Doll Factory by Elizabeth MacNeal 

One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M McManus

1984 by George Orwell

The Catch by T.M Logan

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Two Of Us Can Keep A Secret by Karen M McManus

Blue Ticket by Sophie MacKintosh

Q by Christina Dalcher

29 Seconds by T. M Logan

The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargraves

The Tin Ring by Zdenka Fantlova

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

Have you read any of the same books? Which one was your favourite? 

Find out what i'm reading next.....

 Thanks For Reading 

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