Living Arrows | DRFC

Image of a pre school girl/ toddler pulling an excited face whilst wearing fluffy unicorn ear muffs and placing her hands over her ears. Behind the girl is The Keepmoat Stadium where a match is in play. The girl is wearing a red and white striped Doncaster Rovers children's football shirt.

 'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

It's back! The football season has official returned. I'm not a fan of football and have only really attended matches under duress but Daddy has been a lifelong fan of  Doncaster Rovers so it kind of feels like our year starts when the football does.

This time around though Iris appears to have taken a shine to the beautiful game! She was really eager to attend the first home game of the season and she absolutely loved it. She loves to sing at the top of her voice so a football stadium is a brilliant environment for her. She was a little intimidated when she first went in but with Daddy, his dad the Rovers legend Papa Mayf and family friend, Anne by her side she soon settled and was joining in- I've been informed there were a few moments when Anne placed her hands over Iris's ears to avoid her hearing some rather choice language but I've accepted the fact that being a footballing family Iris will inevitably hear words I'd rather her not. My job is to teach her not to say them! 

Thanks For Reading 

 Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows


  1. It's so lovely when children show an interest in things like this, shared passions in the family! x

  2. Bless her, my daughter tried football camp last year, my son is a keen footballer and Rugby player it really is so lovely for them to be outdoors. xxx

  3. Ahhh how lovely. My eldest loves a good football game and is always keen to go. I know what you mean about the language though!


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