Living Arrows | Traditional Fun

Picture of a 3 year old girl, her mummy and her grandma sat on horses on a carousel ride.

 'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

What a difference some sunshine makes! Everybody's mood has sky rocketed. Life is so much easier when you get outside to walk, run and play without freezing your bits off. One of our regular walking spots, Thoresby Park, was hosting it's annual traditional fun fair and what better way to usher in the half term than boarding a carousel with all the family.

Spending time with family has taken on a new meaning this summer and I doubt I'll ever forget how difficult the times were when we were isolated and surviving without familial support for months on end. I'm going to be drinking in every second of family time come rain or shine. 

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Autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease blogger. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote
  Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows

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