Living Arrows | To Be Beside The Seaside

Girl smiling and laughing whilst on a fairground ride at the British seaside town Skegness

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

We missed last week's Living Arrows post as we're all just a little frazzled. The relaxing of Covid rules has been wonderful but not without it's challenges. As someone with Autism, all change is disruptive, even if it's good change. I think I hit burn out last week. I couldn't focus on anything, I was a shouty mum and a bit of a rubbish partner. I just shut down for a while and entered survival mode.

Fortunately a last minute break became available and though I sometimes struggle with holidays this one was very much a welcome break. It was quiet and peaceful and included a hot tub! Iris struggled to understand the concept of a holiday at first, she's been away before but obviously couldn't remember it so we had a little bit of opposition from her. She was concerned about where she would be sleeping  because she wasn't at home. We had a few tantrums as her anxieties came to the surface but I reassured her that she would be safe, we'd be with her the whole time and if she didn't like it we could come home. Of course within moments of being in the accommodation she was stripping off and donning her costume and heading straight for the hot tub. Then it was a battle to get her home! 

We all needed a change of scenery and a change of pace. It was so nice to escape those same four walls we've been looking at for over a year. We headed into the seaside on Saturday and despite the torrential rain that greeted us the day cleared nicely and Iris and her cousin managed to enjoy lots of rides together. The early bad weather had meant the seaside was reasonably quiet and we managed to enjoy ice creams and donkey rides with little anxiety. It was absolutely the bank holiday weekend we needed. 

Thanks For Reading,

Autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease blogger. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote
  Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows


  1. It sounds like a much-needed break - where did you go?

    1. We went to Tattershall Lakes in Lincolnshire (review coming soon) and visited Skegness on the Saturday- it was only an hour away from home but after so long at home it felt magical! x

  2. It really can be overwhelming and tiring doing more / new things after being in lockdown. I hope you enjoyed your break away and a hot tub sounds good! x

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely and much welcome break! x

  4. Oh how wonderful you got away, I do think that a trip to the seaside makes all the difference x

  5. A break sounds lovely - we've got a few nights camping booked for half term and I can't wait to get away!

  6. Ah your break sounds so lovely and like it was just what you all needed :) We must try and book something at some point, I'd love to go away! x


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