Living Arrows | Recharging

Katrina Over 30s UK blogger talking about parenting, autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

This has pretty much been us for the last week. We've been living off Easter chocolate, watching too much TV and staying our pyjamas most of the time. It's been a bit of a rough week, I've had some ongoing health difficulties that are being investigated and it's hit me pretty hard this week so we're taking things steady.

In all honesty I think Iris has needed a quiet week as much as I have. We went to grandma's house for an Easter egg hunt last Sunday and visited family members we've not seen in a while and I think it's all a bit much for her. She seems to be getting overwhelmed afterwards, I think because she's spent so long not being able to play with people, now she can it's too much. She's only 3, a third of her life has been spent living in a pandemic. She tells me she can't remember going to playgroup or visits to the library, it's like her social stamina has evaporated and she's gone back to like she was when she was a baby, easily tired and overwhelmed. I think the same can be said for me. Having autism makes social situations very difficult for me and over the last year I too have lost my social stamina- things are having more of an effect on me than they did before. So a quiet week has been lovely and now we're ready to start to rebuild. Next week we've got a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park planned as well as a much needed trip to the library- we've had the same books for a year now! 

Wishing you all a good week and hoping you all stay safe as we move forward into the next stage of the roadmap.

Thanks For Reading,

Autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease blogger. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote
  Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows


  1. Sometimes you just need that quiet time and time to rest and recharge. I hope they get to the bottom of your health issues x

    1. Thank you Donna, I've been referred to an endocrinologist to see if they can work it out, they suspect it's another auto immune issue, apparently they come in 3's! x

  2. Hope you are doing okay? I know where you are coming from with regards to social stamina. We have seen family but no friends yet.

    1. I'm doing okay thank you, just a case of hanging in there until we figure out what's wrong- it would be nice to have some energy though! x

  3. It's such a change for everyone as things start to get back to 'normal' isn't it? I know my boys are definitely needing plenty of time to just relax at home so they can cope with some of the new things we are doing now. I hope you enjoyed the wildlife park x #LivingArrows

    1. It's so nice but so overwhelming venturing back to 'normal' life. The wildlife park was fantastic, they have done an amazing job at creating a Covid compliant day out. x


Thank you for supporting me on my journey to raise awareness about mothers on the autistic spectrum. We do exist, we just need people to know we do!