Living Arrows | Groundhog Day


Katrina Over 30s UK blogger talking about parenting, autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

Here we are again. At the park. Wow! it's really feeling like groundhog day isn't it? I don't really have much to say this week. It's been a tough one, emotions are high, patience is thin. We're just about keeping our head above water. We've played, read and snacked. We've waved at great grandparents through windows and ordered them jigsaw puzzles to keep them sane. We're missing family so deeply.

 Iris has been pushing boundaries with her behaviour, partly because she's 3 and that's what 3 year olds do but partly because she's starting to absorb and understand what's being said. She now shouts, telling me "Boris is on TV, have the germs gone yet?" She's desperate to see her family. It breaks my heart to hear her say "I'm a bit sad, I want the germs to go". She got new games to play for Christmas and she just wants to take them to Mama and Grandad's house to play.

Sorry for being on a bit of a downer this week but it seems even childhood isn't an escape from the drudgery and dread of another week in lockdown. Love and positive thoughts to any that are struggling right now.

Thanks For Reading,

Katrina Over 30s UK blogger talking about parenting, autism, mental health, books and coeliac disease. What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

 Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows


  1. I am totally with you on the downer - it feels like each day is indeed groundhog day and I'm also so sad for my kids.

  2. Hi Katrina. You commented on my top 10 posts entry so thought I'd jump over here and take a peek at your blog. What a cutie your daughter is! You mentioned groundhog day. Are you referring to the movie with Bill Murray? Wouldn't that be terrible to have that happen to us? However, it will actually be Groundhog Day here on Feb 2 here in the US. Isn't that a silly observance? Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I host 3 link parties and I invite you to link up with me.

  3. Oh I feel for you... I think a lot of people feel like this at the moment, us included. It's really hard isn't it. Groundhog Day sums it up for us for sure and it's super easy to keep feeling a little low isn't it? xx

  4. Oh bless her shouting at the TV! It's so hard being 3 - for all the usual reasons and the pandemic added to that too x

  5. Oh it is so tough at the moment isn't it. I feel the same that no week really differs and the boys are missing their grandparents and the behaviour is getting out of control!Lets hope we finally have a date we can stick to... I hope this week is kinder to you all

  6. Don't apologise for feeling down. Someone at work said to me, "we may not all be in the same boat, but we are all in the same storm" and it really resonated. Some days are harder than others but we are all doing the best we can!


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