Living Arrows | The New Normal

Katrina Fox UK Family, Parenting, Autism and Mental Health Blogger What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.  

This picture breaks my heart. Yesterday after handling money for a toll bridge Iris told me to put my hand gel on.  It makes me so proud yet so sad. I'm proud that she's learnt how to keep safe in these times but it makes me so sad that this is how she will remember the world. At 2 years old I don't think she'll remember what things were like before.

She can't remember a time when hugging, kissing and hand holding were normal between family and friends. She can't remember sharing toys at playgroup, dancing together at music class or browsing through books at the library. I hope these things will return but I'm not sure if Iris will ever truly forget about the days of hand gel, side stepping others and germs. It scares me to think of the lasting effects this pandemic will have on our children.

(I know the mask is too big, we're looking for a toddler one- any recommendations for something comfortable for a 2 year old would be greatly appreciated) 

Thanks for reading 

Katrina Fox UK Family, Parenting, Autism and Mental Health Blogger What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information. 

Living Arrows


  1. Aww it's sad isn't it. But then kids are so adaptable - if/when things do go back to something like normal, they'll probably forget about it all again! :) #livingarrows

  2. Oh bless her. It's definitely a time they'll look back on and remember. I hope they remember the good things, the time at home and closeness rather than the scary and worrying bits x

  3. It is sad to think how will we go back to so many things we used too take for granted. I do hope some day soon we will. I'm sure most kids will adapt to the changes again and probably better than us adults do!

  4. It is so sad isn't it? With mine a little older I hadn't really thought about the impact. We brought some kids masks online which we need for this weekend and they fit really well. Have pictures on them so the boys are happy to wear them too x


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