Living Arrows | We are all so tired.

Living Arrows | We are all so tired. autistic and pregnant autistic mum life sharing pregnancy and parenting experiences from the autism spectrum

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran. 

This week's Living Arrows is sponsored by caffeine! I am not exaggerating when I say that these last few weeks have been hellish. Iris has always been a fantastic sleeper, even in the newborn days we would get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at a time so it's been quite a shock to the system for her to turn one and suddenly stop sleeping!
It started out of the blue. All of sudden she didn't want to nap in her cot during the daytime. She kicked, screamed and literally tried to climb out of our arms the moment we even looked at going upstairs. Then she started waking in the night and yelling for hours on end, working herself up until she was hysterical. We ended up downstairs watching stickman many times where she would inevitably fall asleep.

We researched and researched for an explanation as to why our dream child had become a demon and found many variations as to the cause but after a full on day of crying we went to the doctors and lo and behold he found an ear infection. A few days of banana medicine and our little pumpkin has perked up! She's still battling the daytime naps but we just keep on repeating 'it's just a phase' whilst we walk tirelessly around the block pushing her to sleep.

Living Arrows | We are all so tired. autistic and pregnant autistic mum life sharing pregnancy and parenting experiences from the autism spectrum

Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information.

Living Arrows

1 comment:

Thank you for supporting me on my journey to raise awareness about mothers on the autistic spectrum. We do exist, we just need people to know we do!