Living Arrows | Finger (and face, arms, body and toe) Painting!

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalid Gilbran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran. 

In my mind this was going to be a lovely Pinterest worthy parenting moment. In reality the photo above shows Iris gagging from the paint she just ate. It's made a good photo but ultimately this wasn't the calm, methodical painting session I imagined, partly due to Iris being a little young and partly due to my completely unrealistic expectation!  

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalid Gilbran Quote

Why did I think my one year old would sit quietly and paint? We tried finger painting, paintbrushes and cotton balls on pegs, none were particularly successful but we managed to get enough paint on the paper to make birthday cards and a few pictures for her grandparents so it was worth the carnage!

We were clever enough to think about stripping Iris but not clever enough to cover our own clothes. Thankfully it was close to bedtime so it was straight in the bath afterwards! A fun activity to try and it made some very happy grandparents but next time i'll expect a little less and prepare a little more!

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalid Gilbran Quote

Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information.

Living Arrows


  1. Oh this is so cute (and very brave!) I didn't let Toby paint at home until he was about three and a half I think - that's what he went to nursery for :) #LivingArrows

  2. These photos are lovely but you're right - I remember so clearly how hard painting is with a small child. Even now A and T are 5 and 7 and we hardly paint - I find it far too stressful! x


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