Living Arrows | Bouncing With Daddy

Daddy and Daughter on a bouncy castle autistic and pregnant asd blog

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran. 

This week's Living Arrows post is entitled 'Bouncing with Daddy', it's alternative title is 'how to give mummy a heart attack'. As you can see from the pictures below Daddy is entertaining, fun loving and the best person to be on a bouncy castle with. Mummy is less fun.

Daddy and Daughter on a bouncy castle autistic and pregnant asd blog
Mummy, Daddy and Daughter on a bouncy castle autistic and pregnant autism parenting uk blog

Truth be told I'm comfortable with my role as chief teller-offer. It's my job to remove hands from dog bowls, stop that 'thing' she found on the floor from going into her mouth and protecting her from danger whilst trying to let her live a little. I do wish I could embrace a little more of Daddy's free spirit as he knows how to have fun and stay safe whereas I maybe worry a little more than I need to but between us we make a good team and Iris is growing into a savvy little lady with a wonderful sense of adventure.

Autistic and Pregnant Supporting Women with Autism Through pregnancy and beyond

Created by Donna over at What The Redhead Said, this weekly link up invites you to share a post that celebrates childhood. Click the badge below for more information.

Living Arrows


  1. Awww, she loves it! Won't be long until she's running up and down on it herself! #LivingArrows

  2. I love your photos! My husband is the same, always throwing himself into the activities - i'm usually the chief bag watcher! #LivingArrows

  3. These photos are just brilliant! We've generally been the same in our family, with my husband being much more rough and tumble than me, I think the balance works quite well though! x #livingarrows

  4. Your roles seem very similar to mine and my husband's! His face is hilarious in these photos! x


Thank you for supporting me on my journey to raise awareness about mothers on the autistic spectrum. We do exist, we just need people to know we do!