Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. It's something I've always enjoyed and I think it's so important that we grow and nurture a love of reading for future generations. The library has been my safe place for many years. A place I can disappear in, work in and relax in. Since having Iris I've also discovered it's a place to sing, create and make new friends. We choose several books a month to read as a family, here's what we thought of this months selection...
Lily& Bear Grumpy Feet by Lisa Stubbs
This book is about the grumps and how with a bit of
imagination those grumps can be banished. As a mother I really like this book
as it is a great way of explaining that 'grumpy' feeling when you just don't
know what's wrong. I think for older children it would be a great way for them
to understand both their own and others moods.
I love the imagery that the author creates, the
feeling of 'pencils too pointy' and 'the day too rainy' is very relate-able for
both adults and children.
From an entertainment perspective I think it maybe
lacking slightly. It's not the most 'fun' book and I think perhaps not the most
engaging for children. Also, i'm not keen on the randomness of the unicorn (if
you've read it you'll know what I mean!).
Prince Ribbit by Jonathan Emmett and Poly Bernatene
As an avid reader myself I love
books about books and although this is primarily a twist on the classic 'frog
turns into a prince' fairytale I like the undercurrent of it being about
different types of books and the different purposes books fulfil. I think it is
educational whilst being humorous and fun to read aloud. Iris enjoyed the bold,
colourful pictures and happily listened to me read the story. It is
intelligently written and the inclusion of a repetitive saying means children
can join in without having to grasp the full concept of the story. Although it
is probably aimed at children with more understanding than Iris I think it is a
staple book for any child's bookshelf and something she can 'grow into'.
OldMacDonald Heard A Parp by Olaf Falafel
A funny take on an old classic but i'm going to be that boring mum who's going to say it's too silly for me! It is certainly fun to explore farm animals by their bottom sounds rather than their mouth sounds and I think it's genius that instructions for said animal sounds are provided but I feel it would be more fun reading this with a child that is old enough to join in rather than a 9 month old who just looks at you like you've gone insane. I do have to say that it's down to my self consciousness rather than me being offended by the topic.
It's wonderfully illustrated, humorous and has a
brilliantly funny ending but I'm not silly enough to make the most out of this
book. Daddy on the other hand....
In a world of low carb, no carb it's great to see a book dedicated entirely to celebrating the humble life- sustaining loaf. Tradition at it's very best.
I really enjoyed this book from iconic author Allan Ahlberg. I love the simplicity of the topic, the soft way that it reads and the dreamy washed out illustrations. It puts me in mind of the old Hovis advertisements.
It's a warm tale that follows the life of a loaf and it's a lovely, simple, heartwarming story that reminds us to appreciate the basics in life. It may not be a fast paced, laugh out loud, rollicking adventure story book but it's still an enjoyable read for all ages.
Pigeon Pi by Meg McLaren
This is a delightfully clever book. The style of writing is genius, I can't help but read this in my very worst american twang. I wouldn't say that it is a fluid, soothing read but more something you can have fun with. I love that it's clearly influenced by classic american crime capers.
The story line is engaging, the characters are on point and the somewhat predictable twist is in keeping with the genre. It's a bit of 'Who framed Roger Rabbit' mixed with 'Bugsy Malone' but....with birds.
The illustrations are bold and bright and the first and last pages are packed with activities to really engage older children with the book. It's not really a suitable nap time read for a 9 month old but it's really good fun for older children (and adults!).
Hooray For Bread by Allan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingham
I really enjoyed this book from iconic author Allan Ahlberg. I love the simplicity of the topic, the soft way that it reads and the dreamy washed out illustrations. It puts me in mind of the old Hovis advertisements.
It's a warm tale that follows the life of a loaf and it's a lovely, simple, heartwarming story that reminds us to appreciate the basics in life. It may not be a fast paced, laugh out loud, rollicking adventure story book but it's still an enjoyable read for all ages.
Thanks For Reading,
Do you love to read? Is there a must have book that you can't wait to share? Why not link your blog review posts up to my Books We've Been Reading blog link up?
I love Allan Ahlberg's work. Hooray for Bread is a brilliant book :o)